New Workshop: Challenging Worry and Anxiety Day to Day

26th July at St Andrews Hall, Chesterton, 6.30-9.00pm

Many of us will recognise the feeling of worry or anxiety which can creep in day to day. While sometimes this can be protective or helpful, it can also be preoccupying, draining and overwhelming. Negative and anxious thinking can dominate our minds, while physiological symptoms of anxiety can infiltrate our bodies. Most importantly, anxiety can have a significant impact on how we manage moment to moment; our response to situations, interactions or triggers. Is it only too easy to enter into a vicious cycle of anxious rumination, unhelpful thinking and subsequent ‘safety behaviours’ designed to quell the flood of panic. This can easily become a way of life, with worry becoming a daily occurrence which we learn to accommodate and work around.

If this sounds familiar to you, this workshop will be of value to you. Run by an experienced clinical psychologist, this workshop will provide teaching as well as space for discussion and reflection. It offers some key ideas to think about and work on, from recognising some of the traps we fall into, to identifying and challenging some safety behaviours. Proactively using some of these ideas could transform how you respond to everyday worry, giving you the freedom to follow your own path, and not be beholden to your anxious vulnerabilities.

Visit for further information or to book your place. Do it soon to secure the early bird rate!