During an initial 90 minute assessment session, more information will be gathered about some of the difficulties or concerns you might have. With this understanding, recommendations about useful therapeutic options can be discussed with you.
Family Support
Therapeutic support can be offered on a family basis. All assessments and therapeutic work will include consideration of wider influences including your family as a whole. Family-based therapy can effectively support emotional and behavioural difficulties, family functioning and relationships.
Supervision and Training
Peterkin Psychology Services Limited also offers clinical supervision and specialist teaching and training.
Dr Joanne Peterkin is an accredited Video Interaction Guidance Practitioner and Supervisor and is currently training and supervising VIG trainees working in perinatal mental health teams in the NHS.
Specialist teaching and training can include:
Video Interaction Guidance
The DDP approach: Using PACE to support children and young people
Perinatal Mental Health
Working systemically with children in care
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is available for adults with emotional or mental health difficulties including depression, anxiety, OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder, difficulties with self-harm, anger, difficulties within relationships or high levels of stress.
Therapeutic approaches will be considered with you in line with your assessment and goals for therapy. Clinical Psychologists are able to take an integrative approach, drawing on different therapeutic approaches to suit you. Therapeutic approaches used include Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behaviour, Systemic (family), Cognitive Analytic, Attachment and Mentalisation-based approaches.
Therapy is also available for a range of emotional and behavioural difficulties seen in young people, including generalised anxiety, social phobia, OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, difficulties with self-harm and anger problems.
Crossfit KIds and Teens
In collaboration with Crossfit Beta, we run classes for children and teenagers at AlphaFit in Milton, Cambridge.
The significant benefit of exercise to our physical and mental health is well established. Getting children and teenagers into enjoyable, sociable and sustainable exercise from a young age is a game changer, especially when its done in a healthy environment which promotes fun, support, self-compassion and a healthy attitude to our bodies.
Therapy is beneficial to many but other changes in our lives are often supportive. If you child or teenager is struggling with low mood, social anxiety, low confidence, body image difficulties or stress, this could be the difference.
For more information, contact us on
A rolling programme of workshops are run locally, designed to support understanding and skills in responding to, and managing different emotional challenges. Click here to review upcoming workshops and sign up!
Alternatively, register your interest by subscribing below and we will send an up to date timetable.
Training workshops are also available on request. Peterkin Psychology can deliver workshops to:
Workplaces around staff well-being
School staff supporting young people with mental health and social difficulties
Parents supporting their children with emotional and behavioural difficulties
Individuals wanting to develop their understanding and skills in managing their own well-being
Should you be interested, please express your interest and an individualised workshop can be designed to suit your needs. Example workshops include:-
Challenging Worry and Anxiety Day to Day
Perinatal Mental Health: Adjusting to Parenthood
Managing Stress in a Stress-Inducing World
Parenting tricky teens
Developing emotional resilience in children and teenagers